Our Creations
Hands of Fire prides itself on artistic excellence as we strive to create an environment where members can improve their sculpting abilities and nourish their creativity. By focusing on self-directed learning, we provide members with opportunities to explore their imaginations and create artwork with as much or as little direction from instructors as they desire.
If you are interested in buying a sculpture from the gallery below please contact us.
Simon Q.
Photo Description: The sculpture depicts an Inuk standing to the left on a bed of snow in a blue parka with white fur trimming on the hood and sleeves; his left arm raised to his ear. To the right is a small white polar bear with black eyes and a black nose stairs forward.
Carol M.
Photo Description: Christ kneeling on a rock with his white robes covered in dirt looking upwards towards and angel standing gazing Christ in the eyes with a golden chalice in hand.
Photo Description: Close-up of the angel from Christ’s point-of-view holding the chalice.
Photo Description: Close-up angel of Christ kneeling displaying his back and the side of the angle’s golden wing.
Photo Description: Four white sculptures from left to right they are one of a Christ holding an woman; Christ with his hand in a knocking position; a bull looking upwards; and a woman seated at a table with a pen in her hand.
Jennifer G.
Photo Description: This sculpture depicts a golden lab guide dog standing on grey asphalt at an intersection looking forward. To his left a street sign reads “1929 Bayview Av.”.
Photo description: Doug Ford at a desk in a black suit with devil horns and a red cape breathing fire; the desk is brown with crumpled paper and one large paper that reads “My Friends, fellow taxpayers, there are three ways to destroy costly programs. Slash! Nash! Burn!”
Photo Description: Donald Trump holding his phone with a Twitter logo; sitting at the Oval Office desk with a nacho bowl on the table and an American flag at half mast.
Lisa L.
Photo Description: A wizard with a long white beard wearing shimmering blue robes with a staph in hand with a marble on the top.
Photo Description: Brown bear with skull in front of him with his hands rested on the eye sockets.
Photo Description: Two bathtubs side by side at an inwards angle. On the left side is a man in silver bathtub a beer and wearing a blue jays cap; on the right is a woman in a rose gold tub with her legs crossed.
Photo Description: Sculpture of a naked woman in a rose gold bath from the back.
Photo Description: Sculpture of a naked man in a silver bath from the back wearing a blue jays cap holding a beer.
Photo Description: To the left is a sculpture of a naked man in a silver bath with his knees bent out of the water and his stomach and penis protruding from the water as he holds a beer and wears a blue cap. To the right is sculpture of naked woman in a rose gold bath with her legs crossed on the edge of the bath with her breasts protruding out of the water.
Photo Description: Brown bear with a pink salmon in his mouth standing on a rock in front of a stream.
Photo Description: Sculpture of a light brown bear with a fish in its mouth standing on dark green grass with rough blue water.
Photo Description: This sculpture is of a pink plate with green leafs on the edges and a white rabbit holding onto the edge of the plate with one ear erect and the other down
Alicia M.
Photo Description: This sculpture depicts a red heart-shaped jewel resting in-between two blue heart-shaped jewels. All three are trimmed with silver gems.
Photo Description: Dragon boat with a dragon head with blue antlers erected on the front; the boat is silver with concentric circles in three different shades of blue.
Photo Description: Two dragon boats with a green on with gold trimming one the left and a gold with red trimming one on the right.
Susanna M.
Photo Description: Sculpture of a woman with long brown hair seated at a table with a pen in hand writing in a white notebook on a dark grey table atop a green carpet.
Photo Description: This sculpture depicts a red rose with green leafs on the left and a white daisy with a yellow stigma.
Photo Description: Green Lochness monster in blue water.
Photo Description: Sculpture of a large white daisy with a with a green stem in a red vase with four smaller daises resting on the lips of the vase.