Contact Us

Want to learn more about Hands of Fire? Have any questions or concerns? Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Photo Description: Two hands resting on the eye sockets of a semi-formed sculpture of a face in grey clay.

Photo Description: Two hands resting on the eye sockets of a semi-formed sculpture of a face in grey clay.


Social Media: Visit our Facebook page, follow our Twitter and Instagram.

Mailing Address:

CCB Hands of Fire: Blind Sculpture Group
Canadian Council of the Blind
c/o 1903-1338 York Mills Road
Toronto, Ontario, M3A 3M3

Voicemail: 416-763-7097

Please call our voicemail line for any cancellations, or to leave us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Photo Description: Logo of a figure in dark blue guiding another light blue figure. Reads: “Canadian Council of the Blind; Le Conseil Canadien des Aveugles: A lack of sight is not a lack of vision”

Photo Description: Logo of a figure in dark blue guiding another light blue figure. Reads: “Canadian Council of the Blind; Le Conseil Canadien des Aveugles: A lack of sight is not a lack of vision”

The Canadian Council of the Blind (CCB)

Visit them online at
Toll-free: 1-877-304-0968

Canadian Council of the Blind
20 James Street, Suite 100
Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 0T6